How sweet.

Hello, all! Hope you are having a fantastic summer, filled with great new reads! As I’m sure you all know, Andrea Cremer’s novel, Wolfsbane, shall be hitting stores July 26th, so mark your calendars. All right, to let you guys know, this time around I am talking about a book that will not be available until October, so if you’re interested, you have to wait, unfortunately.

Title: Sweet Venomย 

Author: Tera Lynn Childs

Genre: Contemporary Mythology/Fantasy

Age Group: Teen, but I think mature juvenile fiction-readers could manage.

Rating: 4.5

About: This novel is multi-viewed by three different narrators who meet on unexpected circumstances. Gretchen has always been sure of her destiny. She has always depended on her strength and powers to defeat monster after monster that has entered the human world and endangered the humans living within it. When her beloved mentor goes missing, and the “beasties” stop following the rules, she doesn’t how to cope. Grace knows she has no backbone, but hopes to change that when she moves to San Fransisco, AKA the hellhole that monsters end up. When she meets a girl who could pass as her double, and that girls reveals that she, and mostly like Grace as well, is a decendent of Medusa, whose purpose is to purge the world of monsters, her life tilts out of control. And that girl has a couple tricks up her sleeve, including retractable fangs that give monsters a one-way ticket back to wherever they came from and hypno-eyes. Can Grace grow a backbone to help her sister? Greer has a perfect, planned life including Jimmy Choos and diamond studs, and two girls who look like a mirror images of herself show up at her doorstep claiming they’re triplets do not fit into her schedule. So she slams the door in their faces. They need to reunite to save the world, but that doesn’t seem likely.

Review: Well-written and hilarious, Sweet Venom, is worth anyone’s time, especially a person like myself interested in Greek mythology or even just fantasy. Maybe if The Parent Trap and Percy Jackson met, you’d get something similar to this. It’s awesome; give it a try in October.ย 

Have a nice evening, all.

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Why hello there!

My, my. It has been waaay too long! So many books have gone unread! This an emergency. Well, thankfully, I am here to help. Before we go on with the review, let’s catch up! How’s life, dears? What books have you read? Feel free to comment and let me know. City of Fallen Angels has indeed come out, and WOW what an amazing book. A cliff hanger. Readers, hang on until May 2012! Other news: Forever, the sequel to Linger, by Maggie S, is coming out July 12. (Can’t spell her last name. For more information, scroll down to former posts about the Wolves about Mercy of Falls.) The sequel to Nightshade, Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer comes out July also. Fun times! Lastly, check out this cool blog Life is Rosy: It’s beautiful and relaxing. Onward, everyone!

Title: Divergent

Author: Veronica Roth

Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy

Age Group: Teen (Whoa, on teen content!)

Rating: 5 freaking stars!!!! OH YEAH

About: Welcome to dystopian future Chicago, and enter to world of Tris Prior. In order to defeat corruption and disorder, everyone is divided neatly into faction. You can either be honest, brave, brilliant, selfless, or peaceful and happy. Nobody else. If you are, you are a threat, and they will destroy you. Tris is not and predicts she never will be selfless, or completely belong on the Abnegation, who control the government because they un-corrupt-able. In the descion that will decide her life, Tris decides to pledge herself to the Dauntless, the brave and fearless. Now, to avoid to beggars, or factionless, Tris must succeed in the difficult initiation for new members, succeed in “daunting” tasks, and do the undo-able, conquer fear itself. Along the way, she might just undermine the plan to overthrow the government, with a heavy cost. Most importantly, Tris is in serious danger, because she is a Divergent. She needs to figure out what that means, and what she is obligated to do: save the world.

Review: Unbelievably amazing! There was no way I could put this book down. You won’t be able to either.

This book is a week old, and fantastic. Do not hesitate to read it. You will become OBSESSED. Oh, and reader, are you a Divergent too?

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Nice Fur, Dude.

Helllooooo people of earth!!! What’s cracka-lacking and all that junk? Hopefully you’re all doing well, darlings. Well, we all know why we’re here. (Hopefully. xD) Please welcome the one, the only JESS!!! Wooohooo, yay, etc. Time for a review, of course. Hint: It’s about werewolves!

Title: Nightshade

Author: Andrea Cremer

Genre: Romance/ Fantasy

Age Group: Teens

Rating: Five, five, I repeat, five stars!!

About: Calla is sure of her life. Or so she thinks. She serves the powerful Keepers as a Guardian, a supernatural warrior who can shift into a wolf to protect the Keepers’ powerful, sacred spots. She is the alpha of the Nightshade pack, who will soon get the sexy alpha of the Bane pack, Ren, as her mate. But when she makes the illegal decision to save a beautiful human boy’s life, everything changes, and spirals out of control. She and Shay Doran uncover lost secrets that bring up things darker than imaginable. And accidently fall in love in the process. Is forbidden love worth the ultimate sacrifice? Is it worth your life?

Review: Incredible book!!! Wow….I was glued to the pages. Couldn’t get enough. Unfortunatly, it came out last month, so we don’t get the sequel for a while, but we’ll manage I’m sure. The plot was irresistible. I love Shay. He is such a great romantic interest. For all you Twilight-lovers, you will ditch Edward for Shay! Give Nightshade a try, and let me know what you think.

Time for me to shut up now, I suppose. Don’t forget to watch for snow, make some hot cocoa,ย  and curl by the fireplace with a good book. Have a lovely Thanksgiving, eat some stuffing for me. ๐Ÿ™‚

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I Can’t Hear You, Talk Louder

Hello, guys! It’s me again. Back to make your day wonderful with my awesomeness. (Just let that one go.) Well, obviously,ย we’re gonna talk about a new, exciting book. (Kind of.) I don’t have news for you guys yet. But if you’re lucky, I might. ๐Ÿ˜‰ As you know, KEEP READING!!!

Title: Whisper

Author: Phoebe Kitanidis

Genre: Well, it’s kind of hard to say, probably Fantasy

Age Group: Teens cuz they throw in a couple F’s here and there.

Rating: 3 stars. :/

About: Teen sisters who can hear people’s deepest and darkest desires. Jessica, who everyone hates, likes to use her Hearing to make people unhappy, especially Joy, her little sister. When she finally tells Jessica, called Icka, to leave her life forever, Jessica goes missing, and Joy feels it’s her own fault. She must erect the help of the mysterious Jamie to save her, who might have a power himself.

Review: 3 star is a pretty crappy review, right? Right. The book was so-so for various reasons. a) It was a bit slow, I wasn’t too interested. b) I didn’t connect at all with the protagonist Joy. It was a good idea, but the beginning was just really slow. I didn’t feel like it went anywhere. It didn’t suck, but it wasn’t awesome. So, read it if you want. It’s up to you.

See you later. Nice to see you!!ย  Have a great day. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Whoa! Where’d Everyone Go?

Happy Saturday, dears. It’s good to hear I’m still alive, right? Don’t answer that. ๐Ÿ™‚ In case I haven’t mentioned it before, I have another blog called Vivir La Vida Loca at where you can laugh at me and my friend Dana’s craziness. Other news: Taylor Swift came out with Speak Now which is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! (Don’t judge me. At least I’m not excited about a Hannah Montana album.) What time is it? (And no, it is not time for me to get a watch.) It’s time for a review!!! Aren’t I clever?

Title: Gone

Author: Micheal Grant

Genre: Science Fiction

Age Group: Teens for sure. (If you don’t like creepy, do not try this one)

Rating:4 stars!! Yeah, dude!

About: Step into the terrifying world of Sam Temple, where one day all the adults in the beach town of Perdido Beach disappear in the blink of an eye without trace. Things have gone from abnormal to outright weird and impossible, and there is no explanations. A shimmery, impenetrable border encircles the town. Animals are mutating into creepy, dangerous creatures. A malicious, dark monster with its own agenda lurks. And scariest of all, some teens are developing strange powers that keep getting stronger. Powers to move things with your mind or shoot lightning blots out of your palms. It’s a whole new world. When the most powerful collide, a war is necessary. Who will fall?

Review: First off, I’ll say if you’re easily creeped out, do not read this book. (Wow, I’m telling you not to read a book.) It’s pretty dark and got some cringe-worthy moments. But I liked it. It was pretty realistic in the fact of kid’s reactions to panic and unknown. I could imagine it clearly. I also love the characters. I was pretty attached to them. The idea was pretty cool too and I was totally hooked. Don’t miss Hunger and Lies, Gone’s sequels!!!

Remember a while back I mentioned Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins? If you liked that, you’ll like this too. Well, guys it’s time for me to say goodbye. (Sniffle, sniffle.) Don’t forget to check back soon for some new reviews, and have a lovely week!

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Time to Get Out My Evil Laugh (Be scared)

Hellloooo people of the world!!! How goes it? It seems that we have much to a) catch up on. b) discuss. c) and REVIEW!!! That’s what’s on our to-do list for tonight.ย  As for news, I’ve read a fantastic book lately that I absolutely could not put down. Like for reals. But I have decided not to review it. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ (Yeah, it’s okay to cry sometimes.) I might as well tell you what’s it’s called. The Lost Hero by Rick Riordian. What pisses me off is that its sequel won’t come out for another YEAR. Omg, how can we stand it?? We’ll manage, I suppose. Well,ย  are you ready? Are you REALLY ready? Like really, really ready? Come on, not getting convinced here. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME GREAT READS? Thought so.

Title: The Demon King

Author:Cinda Williams Chima

Genre: Fantasy

Age Group: Teens

Rating: 4 stars

About: There’s this dude, Han Alister, who’s like this master thief and he’s practically famous. His signature thing is these silver cuffs he’s worn since he can remember and can’t take off. He’s called Cuffs by fellow streetlords and criminals and evenย  the guard. (He’s totally awesome.) The other protaginoist is Raisa ana’Marianna princess heir of the Fells. (the country) She’s unlike other princesses, brave and caring and not stuck up. She’s the coolest thing ever. When Han and her paths cross, old conflicts surface, and everything changes drastically.

Review: This was a stellar read. Here’s why: The writing was gorgeous, it really flowed. The charactors practially jumped out of the book, they were so realistic. And I loved the threat and magic. Not five stars, Jess? No, for a logical reason. It took me a hundred pages or so to get hooked. It should have been sooner. I was about ready to put down the book. That was bad. But then I got interested, so it was better. ๐Ÿ™‚ Read it!!!

I feel like I should break into to song and start singing “That’s all for now kids!” or something. (And trust me, you do not want to see me dance.) But it really is time to go. See you next time, and start reading!

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Can you see MY Halo?

My dear readers of NOSE IN A BOOK I am deeply sorry that I have failed you. It has been a couple weeks since I’ve given you a review, so I’m going to get right on that!! By the way, have you signed up for my email list? Don’t worry, no spam, and your email is shared with no one. All right, who’s ready for a new review? (You better be raising your hand.)

Title: Halo

Author:Alexandra Adornetto

Genre: Romance (It’s getting hot in here!) ๐Ÿ™‚

Age Group: Teen

Rating: 4.5 stars!

About: It’s about three angels who descend to earth to complete a mission. Gabriel, the warrior who has battled for thousands of years, Ivy the loving healer, and Bethany, the most human, who will be visiting earth for the first time. The mission’s going well, until young Bethany meets Xavier Woods. Handsome, passionate, but in pain from a recent death, they fall for each other. Hard. Which is pretty bad because angels and humans shouldn’t really, well…mix.

Review: This book was absolutely fantastic! Except for well…(There’s always an “except” isn’t there?) First, I’ll say why I drooled over it. The writing was amazing, and she’s only eighteen. It’s also so touching and sweet. The love story is beautiful. There also was some surprising action at the climax! Woo! Yay for action! And it’s a series, which I adore. It was sometimes a bit, how do you put it? Awkward. There’s some religious content, I suppose. It’s not like let’s hail the Lord or something. or anything like that. But it does mention God a couple times, which you’d expect from a book about angels. Lucifer, too. Who, sadly,ย  I had to ask to figure out who he is. Oops. But aside from a few instances, it was great. Like, really really great. Read it!

Time for me “to hit the hay”. (Or is that too cliche for you?) Oh, let’s be random! What y’all being for Halloween? Let me know. And comment and tell me how you like Nose In A Book! Until next time, Jess.

P. S. The cover of Halo is really cool!

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Hey, it’s sparkly!

Howdy!! This is Jess here, with another awesomely awesome review!! And I am pleased to formally welcome you to the one…the only…NOSE IN A BOOK reviews!!! All right today on this fine day we’re gonna talk about some books. (What a surprise!) Okay, who here has seen Disney’s Peter Pan? Hopefully you all have. It’s totally a classic. Well, we’re gonna talk about a book who’s put a spin on it…

Title: Peter and the Starcatchers (Ooh, I like this color!)

Author:Ridley Pearson and Dave Barry (What kind of name is Ridley?)

Genre: Fantasy

Age Group: Kids

Rating:3.5 stars

About: It shows the behind- the-scenes- story about how Peter Pan and the Lost Boys came to be. In short, sometimes stars fall from the sky, and it’s powerful magic can do anything, make you live forever, fly even. But they also can destroy the world, if the magic falls into the wrong hands. People called Starcatchers try to get to and contain the fallen-stars before the Bad People do (They’re called something like that.) So the whole series is about stopping them.

Review: This is an awesome book. Like really. I loved it, and highly recommend it!! I just love how they connected it all to Peter Pan. -Sigh-, good times. Some of it is a little creepy, like the Bad Guys and stuff, there’s this creeper than kinda reminds me of the Dementers from Harry Potter. Oh well. It still rocks my socks off and back on again! Again, if like the fantasy genre, try this book out. Hmm, there’s really not much to say, now is there?

All righty, my readers. It’s time for this amazing review to come to a close. I hope you enjoyed it, and read the book! This is Jess, signing off!

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Heir or Hair??

Hola, Como estas? Muy bien, gracias!! You no hablo Espanol. :(Oops, that wasn’t in English. HAHA! (I amuse myself.) My fellow readers, I formally welcome you to Nose In A Book! Where you get amazing reviews by Jess! Hey, if you guys like my blog, I hate reminding you when there’s a new post. So, if you want to know whenever there’s a new one, check those boxes on the right. See them? Just add your email, and you’ll get a notification whenever there’s a new post!! Don’t worry, I won’t stalk you or anything. And no one else sees your email. Cool, right? Other Announcements: Clockwork Angel came out 2 days ago!! WOOO!!!!ย  Aren’t you so totally, extremely excited?????????? I am!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Remember: Clockwork Angel by Miss Cassandra Clare. Oh yeah, try out my favorite book store ever called The Bookies near Pinkberry sort of and by Ming’s the Chinese Restaurant! AND DON’T MY SWITCH-A-ROO THING!!! Love ya!

Title: The Warrior Heir (Hey, this is a cool color!) I actually like the sequel, The Wizard Heir, better, but I always start with the first one.

Author:Cinda Williams Chima

Genre: Fantasy

Age Group: Teen

Rating: 5 stars

About: Meet Jack Swift (is he related to Taylor?) a pretty cool dude from Ohio. He thinks his life is perfectly normal until his awesome Aunt Linda tells him he is Weir, and to make things worse a Warrior!! Aaahh!!! (Don’t worry,ย  I’ll explain.) These magical beings are called Weirs, who are born with a stone in their chest. There are five types. Seers, who can see the future, Enchanters, who can convince anyone anything with their voice, who…enchant you (obviously) , Sorcerers who mix potions and stuff, Warriors who are really buff and fight with swords, and Wizards, who use spells, and the most powerful. Well, since Wizards are the most powerful, they use that to their advantage. The kinda enslave the other Anitwizard clans or whatever and trade them like slaves. It totally sucks. What’s worse, is Warriors are used for this awful fight to the death game. Their are two sides for Wizard. Each sides give a competetir gives a Warrior and they fight. Whichever Warrior wins, their side gets the Hoard, all this cool stuff, money and magical artifacts, etc. So Jack, our buddy, was born a wizard but somehow he didn’t have a stone, so he would die. But a Wizard implants a Warrior stone in him, tricking Linda. You see, Warriors are extinct because of the game. Jack now has to compete as 16, and he might die.

Review: I must tell you, a know a good read when I see it!! I got caught up in Jack and Linda’s magical world and couldn’t put it down!!!!!! I was so sad when the series came to an end with The Dragon Heir ๐Ÿ˜ฆ I love the unique idea with the stones and all. But I just love the characters. (I like Seph McCauley the best, but he doesn’t come into The Wizard Heir) So read this book! It’s so great if you’re a fantasy reader like me!!

All righty, that’s all I got for you tonight. Can’t wait to talk to you again! Remember, add your email!! Tell your reader friends. See you sooooon!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Agent Jess/ Codename: Bookworm

Howdy!! How ya’ll doin? I read all of Mockingjay this weekend. Totally loved it. I even teared up a bit at the end. Remember back to the earlier post Are You Hungry? Yeah, well I mentioned Mockingjay the last book in the trilogy. SO GREAT!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ You know, this would make a great movie. But anyways, back to the review. I have a coolio announcement: I’m having a fun contest-ish thing!! Here’s what you have to do: Post a book for me to read and I’ll review for you! It’s backward twist, huh? But it’ll be tons of fun!! Just comment a title of a book and the author and I’ll read it and review for you. (Keep in mind, I have school, so it might be a while before I read it, but I promise I will.) Okay, let’s get started!!P.S. I promised you guys a bad review, and I’m working on it, so stay tuned!

Title: I’d tell you I love you, but I’d have to kill you

Author:Ally Carter

Genre: Romance, spy (is that a genre?)

Age Group: Probably Kids, but Teens could definitely read it too.

Rating:4 stars

About: Cammie Morgan goes to a school for spies. (Don’t you wish you did, too?) They learn to be real international spies. In all their classes and stuff. But then Cammie meets a normal boy. Can she pull off pretending to be normal girl and keep her top-secret identity? Not to forget her amazing roommates Liz the super-genius and Bex the British, spectacular spy. Maybe they can do it…But then again, they’re spies so normal’s a bit out of the question.

Review: This was a really fantastic book. Cammie’s a very funny narrator. I did laugh a lot, so I do recommend it. I also love the cool covert-ness of it. It’s a series, so there is others. But what’s strange is in the other books, the author switches from romance topic to a more intense, creepy murderers theme. Odd, right? Well, you tell me!

Well, there you go! Hey, maybe I might be a mysterious spy like Cammie!! You think you know a person….
Ally Carter has another series called Heist Society. That’s a fun one, too! Don’y forget, try my switcharoo thingy-mer-bob!

And…. my good friend Dana and I made a whole new blog about crazy!! If you’ve got the time, check that out!! (4 z’s)

Thanks for reading!!

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